SG2024 Automotive 30 / METAL WORKING METAL WORKING BLAZE MINI FLAP DISCS R980 • A mini version of the flap disc, ideal for cleaning and removing metal from flanges, panels, and finishing prior to applying primer • Extra heavy-duty plastic backing supports aggressive applications where more pressure is required • Supersize layer contains active filler for cool cutting and long product life GRIT 50mm RECOMMENDED BACK UP PAD PK QTY 40 66261120104 63642556629 10 60 66261120109 10 80 66261120110 10 ​ ​ X-TREME MINI FLAP DISCS R828 • Ideal for cleaning, removing metal and finishing welds before applying primer • NorZon grain provides high stock removal rates with medium to high pressure • The backing system allows flexibility in blending and finishing operations and the small size can access hard-to-reach areas​ GRIT 50 mm 75 mm RECOMMENDED BACK UP PAD PK QTY 40 66261180892 63642527476 63642556629 10 60 66261180893 66261180904 10 80 66261180894 63642527482 10 ​ MACHINES For use on pneumatic tools and mini angle grinders. MACHINES For use on pneumatic tools and mini angle grinders. METAL WORKING